OSHA Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans

During the time of emergency situations like fire, blast or any other kind of accident at workplaces, it is very important to have multiple emergency safe exits available at all levels of the floors which can take workers and visitors to safe place. Every worker should also know the existence of such emergency exits and fire safety measures and how to operate them.
This course specifically deals with such urgent situations and trains learners to formulate emergency plans, fire prevention procedures, crisis management techniques, evacuation systems and how to manage and operate safety exits.
Governing regulations
There are certain government guidelines which this online safety course satisfies while providing training to aspiring students and workers. The standards which OSHA prescribes are as follows.
OSHA 29 CFR § 1910 Subpart E Means of Egress Standard;
OSHA 29 CFR § 1910 Subpart L Fire Protection Standard
Course Overview
This e-learning course covers specific safety standards formulated by OSHA, types of electrical hazards at workplaces and emergency control measures such as safe exit routes to evacuate affected workers during the emergency situations. Students also get to know the rules and regulations for safe evacuation from the workplaces through emergency openings, fire protection standards and procedures and design and construction procedures for making emergency exit routes. The course also includes how to maintain, safeguard and operate emergency exit systems for various industry as well as various forms of fire detection and control measures.
Who Must Take this Course?
This course is applicable for every industry as accident control and emergency evacuation are common for every industry or workplace. Hence all employees, except mobile workplaces such as vehicles or vessels, must join this course to have the awareness and skills on safety management controls and measures.
Course Format
Our OSHA Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection Training course has been formulated to have expert-made content which includes important case studies, audio and graphical explanation for various aspects and good number of self-check questions to prepare students to clear the final exam with good marks.
Students who are successfully completing the course will be provided with a hard copy of completion certificate along with the printable wallet card for their future use.
Continuing education credits?
Each candidate will be entitled to receive 0.2 CEUs (or 2 CMEs) once they complete the course successfully.
Topics Covered
- About This Course
- Course Objectives
- Introduction to OSHA Standard for Exit Routes and Fire Protection
- Key Terms
- Exit Routes and Fire Protection OSHA Standard – History and Background
- Exit Routes and Fire Protection OSHA Standard – Overview
- Applicable Statistics
- Responsibilities
- Responsibilities – Alarm Systems
- Responsibilities – Fire Brigades
- Responsibilities – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Applicable Regulations for Exit Routes and Fire Protection – Governing Authorities
- Applicable Regulations for Exit Routes OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Subpart E
- Applicable Regulations for Fire Protection OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Subpart L
- Design and Construction Requirements for Exit Routes
- Adequate Exits
- Exit Discharge and Rules for Exit Doors
- Exit Regulations
- Outdoor Exit Routes
- Introduction to OSHA Standard for Exit Routes and Fire Protection
- Types of Fire Hazards
- Maintenance, Safeguards, and Operational Features for Exit Routes
- Risk Mitigation and Safe Work Practices for Fires
- Portable Fire Suppression – Fire Extinguishers
- Portable Fire Suppression – Standpipe and Hose Systems
- Fixed Fire Suppression – Automatic Sprinkler Systems
- Fixed Fire Suppression – Fixed Extinguishing Systems
- Fire Detection Systems
- Employee Alarm Systems
- Controls
- Emergency Action Plan
- Fire Prevention Plan
- Training
- Summary
- Additional Resources
- Exam