Tool Box Talks – Hand Protection

Hand Protection

Within the course of the working day, your hands will come into contact with many different substances such as concrete, mould oil, earth, re-bar rust etc, and precautions should be undertaken to protect your hands, such as:

  • Use barrier creams before the shift starts, as this will make hand cleaning easier and protect them more.
  • Always wear the appropriate type gloves when at work. (e.g. Riggers for dry work and PVC for liquid work) The “Risk Assessment” will determine the type to be used.
  • Clean chemicals and dirt off the hands as soon as possible.
  • Do not scour the hands with an abrasives or thinners as this could lead to your hands becoming rougher and crack, also allows absorption into the body by a quicker route.
  • Do not use solvents to clean off stubborn dirt, use the right cleaner. (solvents removes the natural body oils).
  • If your hands do start to crack or become brittle, especially between the fingers, see a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Report excessive soreness and rashes to the supervisor, especially if it has occurred while using a CoSHH chemical.
  • Don’t forget other protection (eyes, face arms etc)
  • Watch on your wrists for infection as some gloves may chafe the skin if the wrist webbing becomes hardened, and this may lead to infection.
  • Women take care of their hands because they know that household cleaners and washing up will damage the hands eventually and to look good, men should take care of their hands to extend their working like. No one wants to shake hands with diseased or broken skin. You can’t wear gloves to the pub. Take care of your hands – you wont get another set.
  • If you are allergic to a hand cleaner or it causes irritation, inform your supervisor where he will provide you with a substitute.

Always wash your hands before smoking, drinking and eating.
If you hands are really dirty wash before and after using the toilet.

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