
Tool Box Talks – Water Pollution Prevention

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? It is vital that we manage water properly on site. If watercourses are polluted or unacceptable wastes are disposed of to the sewage system, the Project could be prosecuted affecting our ability to win future work. You do not need to be working close to a river or ditch to cause [...]
By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized

Energy and Resources Conservation Tips – Tool box Talks

CONSERVING WATER Personnel primarily involved with the use of water should consider ways in order conserve and minimize water. Don’t let the tap running while washing your hands. Report leaks in the pipe/hose connections as soon as possible. Taps should be tightly closed at all times. Don’t allow water tanks to overflow. During Hydro testing [...]
By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized


ACCIDENT PREVENTION The Construction industry employs approx 6% of the UK workforce, but accounts for 30% of all fatalities.  Don’t become the next statistic. CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS People not thinking about what they are doing. People not following instructions People not following training they’ve been given Unsafe manual handling, loading, stacking and storing. Overloading of [...]
By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized


BITUMEN BOILERS IN CONSTRUCTION - FIRE HAZARDS Protect yourself and your workmates by following a few simple rules. If in doubt, ask. Setting up Stand the boiler on a firm, level surface, with the fire tray underneath, even on concrete. Set up the gas cylinders at least 3m away, but out of the way. Don’t [...]
By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized

Lead auditor course (OHSAS 18001:2007)

Auditing is an exhaustive exercise which should be carried out by people with high caliber, vast knowledge on the subject, principles and norms and practical exposure to identify problem areas. Similar to financial auditing, companies and manufacturing units around the world opt for highly proficient and experienced auditors who, not only pin-point potential risk areas, […]

By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized

Ways to do the Risk Assessment

A form of strategic planning and methodology, risk assessment process is an earnest attempt to think about the future by assessing past events. Most of the planning strategies are made based on certain beliefs about the future, which is generally unpredictable. Worst risk assessments deny the reality of unpredictability. Language and zero ideology help promote […]

By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized

Learning by technology! GWG personifies dependability!

When people contemplate about education and learning, they often think about information. They ask questions like: What information is most important for people to know? What are the best ways to transmit that information from one person (a teacher) to another (a learner)? What are the best ways to represent and display information so that […]

By gwgindiaadmin | Uncategorized


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