Construction Industry HSE Management Systems & Practitioner Responsibilities


This course helps the employee and organization to gain knowledge on ways to reduce the number of accident / near misses occurs for personnel at the workplace. Construction Industry HSE management system is a comprehensive management system designed to prevent and control workplace hazards which enhances the employee morale and productivity as well. This course covers various topics to greater detail like procedures to prevent production interruptions, ways to minimize equipment damage, insurance cost, absence of employee ,legal cost of accident etc..

Learning outcome

  • Reducing the number of injuries to personnel and operatives in the workplace through the prevention and control of workplace hazards,
  • Minimizing the risk of major accidents,
  • Controlling workplace risks improve employee morale and enhance productivity,
  • Minimizing production interruptions and reducing material and equipment damage,
  • Reducing the cost of insurance as well as the cost of employee absences,
  • Minimizing legal cost of accident litigation, fines, reducing expenditures on emergency supplies. and
  • Reducing accident investigation time, supervisors’ time diverted, clerical efforts, and the loss of expertise and experiences

Exam Method: Non-supervised online exam. Exam can be taken any time at your convenience.

Exam Format: Q & A submission