OSHA Training Certification

Construction industry has various hazards and risks which workers face in their daily work. Dangers associated with working in confined spaces can be prevented if employees get special safety training.
This online safety training has been formed to address specific risks and hazards associated with confined space works in construction industry which can affect workers physically and mentally. The course provides various risks in working in confined spaces, both physical and atmospheric, and preventive measures. Participants will understand the usage of protective, testing and monitoring equipment; get to know safety regulations and its usage, responsibilities of workers, entrants, attendants and employers and safety regulations to be followed to reduce casualties.
Governing regulations
This online training has been prepared such that it satisfies the training needs for the OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart AA Construction Industry Permit-required and Non-permit Confined Spaces Standard.
Course Overview
This confined space safety course provides detailed analysis of risks and dangers for workers, types of hazards and health risks workers will face, effective safety measures, entry permit regulations, safety standards and responsibilities for workers, managers, supervisors and employers towards achieving safety compliance and prescribed safe practices. This course also addresses effective safety control measures for entrants and attendants.
Who Must Take this Course?
Construction workers, supervising persons or those assigned to enter confined space as attendants or entrants need to undergo this online certification course to enhance their knowledge and understanding on various risks and hazards, legislation and safety practices and effective risk management measures associated with confined spaces.
Course Format
Our OSHA Construction Permit required and Non-permit Confined Space Entry Training course provides participants course materials prepared by our team of safety experts, interactive graphical and audio presentations, case studies, and self-test questions for achieving better results in the final exam.
At the end of the training period, each successful student will receive a copy of completion certificate and also a printed wallet card.
Continuing education credits?
Each participant will be entitled to receive 0.2 CEUs (or 2 CMEs) after completing this course.
Topics Covered
- About This Course
- Course Objectives
- Introduction to Confined Spaces
- Key Terms
- High Risk Jobs
- Fatality Statistics-Training and Awareness
- Fatality Statistics-Causes
- Applicable Regulations
- Subpart AA-Key Updates
- Hazards
- Oxygen Deficient Environment
- Oxygen Enriched Environment
- Hazardous Atmospheres
- Hazard Classification and Labeling
- NFPA Labels
- Configuration Hazards
- Engulfment Hazards
- Other Potential Hazards
- Confined Spaces
- Special Considerations-Conditions
- Special Considerations-Rules
- Duties of Authorized Entrant and Attendant
- Communication
- Equipment
- Exiting
- Duties of Authorized Attendant
- Duties of Authorized Attendant-Evacuation Conditions
- Duties of Authorized Attendant-Other Duties
- Duties of Employer
- Preventative Measures
- Dilution Ventilation
- Exhaust Ventilation
- Monitoring Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Exposure Level Terminology
- Summary
- Additional Resources
- Exam