EEOC Training & Certification

Workplace violence and bullying can impact workers’ physical and psychological conditions which enterprises ill-afford to ignore. Employees need to know their basic rights and prevailing legislations to work peacefully by getting equal employment opportunity.
This online safety training is envisaged to make workers gain better understanding and knowledge on hazards, risks and workplace management procedures while handling bullying and violence. Through this course, learners get to know possibility of various types of violence and bullying, physical and emotional impacts on workers, vulnerable employees, prevention and control measures, best work practices, existing regulations to protect workers and how to help affected workers. Apart from updated information, students are provided with informative case studies involving examples of violence and bullying at workplaces and related effects on workers and productivity.
Governing regulations
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was introduced to save workers from various occupational risks, dangers and hazards so as to create safe and congenial work culture. Hazards can be physical attacks on workers which can lead to injuries or sometimes even fatal. OSHA recognizes all possible risks in workplaces including emotional disturbances and makes the regulations accordingly so as to make employers comply with the safety standards to minimize the chance of violence or bullying against workers.
Course Overview
Students joining this course will get to know the importance of making workplaces rid of violence, discrimination or bullying, understand the need of maintaining workplace safety, how to recognize possible hazards, ways to reduce physical conflicts, emotional disturbances, and avoid disparity among workers. Students also taught about engineering and administrative controls for preventing workplace violence, laws to prevent bullying, how to deal with victims of bullying and response procedures in case of violations.
Who Must Take this Course?
Workplace violence and workers’ resentment over discrimination and bullying can impact the prospect of any enterprise. Hence employers take good care of making workplace peaceful, incident-free and happy-to-work place. Hence it is essential that everyone should know his or her responsibility towards maintaining peace and workplace culture and also treating everyone same. Safety training makes workers know about every workplace risk and hazard and how to bring down workplace-related violence. Effective employee training in human behavioral management, emergency response, conflict resolution and recognizing potential risks can reduce occurrence of possible volatile situations. Employers should make their workers undergo training not just as prevention strategy but an effective approach to reduce the risks of workplace conflicts and violence.
Course Format
Our Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Workplace Violence & Bullying Awareness Training program contains effective content, informative graphical representations, case studies, audio clippings and good numbers of revision questions for better performance in the final exam.
Once successfully completed, every student will receive a hard copy of completion certification along with the printable wallet card.
Continuing education credits?
Each student will receive 0.2 CEUs (or 2 CMEs) for completing this course.
Topics Covered
- About This Course
- Course Objectives
- Introduction to Violence and Bullying in the Workplace
- Key Terms
- Statistics
- Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
- Equal Employment Opportunity Laws
- Responsibilities
- Overview of Workplace Violence
- Types of Violence
- Warning Signs
- External Threats
- Overview of Workplace Bullying
- Examples of Bullying Behavior
- Types of Bullies
- Root Causes of Bullying
- Unlawful Harassment
- Workplace Violence Risk Factors and Vulnerable Groups
- Precautions for High-Risk Workers
- Precautions for Retail Workers
- Precautions for Health Care Workers
- Effects of Workplace Violence and Bullying
- Mental Health Effects
- Physical Effects
- Costs to the Organization
- Workplace Violence Control and Prevention
- Prevention Policy Creation
- Hazard Assessment
- Control Measures
- Recordkeeping
- Training and Awareness
- Human Resources’ Role
- Management’s Role
- Employee Involvement
- Security
- Responding to Workplace Violence
- Threat Assessment
- Emergency Plans
- Emergency Response Teams
- Responding to Violent Incidents
- Recovery and the Three Stages of Crisis
- Investigation and Evaluation
- Responding to Workplace Bullying
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Response Strategies
- Crisis
- Stages of Crisis
- Crisis Intervention
- Reporting
- Summary
- Additional Resources
- Exam