MSHA Underground Mining Emergency Procedures Overview

Significant hazards exist at underground mine sites. These hazards are liable to progress to emergency situations at any time. This course is designed to help you achieve familiarity with the types of emergencies that may occur at underground mine sites and how to effectively manage them. Emergency prevention, rescue operations, and first-aid training will also be covered.
Governing regulations
To help American mines operate safely, congress enacted the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act) and the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act (“MINER Act”). The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), part of the US Department of Labor, was established in 1978 to regulate the mining industry and enforce these acts.
Every person at a mine site has a responsibility to ensure that health and safety standards are observed at all times. The employer is responsible for providing information, instruction, and supervision to all workers. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all workers are properly trained and are compliant with MSHA and OSHA regulations. And workers are responsible for observing all MSHA and OSHA standards and practicing safe work habits.
To be MSHA compliant your company must have a training plan that is approved by MSHA and administered by a competent person. Your company can use this or any of our courses as part of that plan.
If you are unsure how to write a training plan we can help with our Part 48 Underground Mining Training Plan course, the only one like it in the mining industry.
Course Overview
This course presents an overview of emergency procedures and protocol at underground mine sites. It also outlines the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (MSHA) requirements and protocol for emergency situations.
Who Must Take this Course?
This MSHA Underground Mining Emergency Procedures Overview online training course is targeted at operators, supervisors, safety personnel, and all other individuals who work at underground mines. Every person at a mine site has the responsibility to ensure that health and safety standards are being observed at all times.
Course Format
Our Underground Mining Emergency Procedures Overview online course consists of content, graphics, audio, self-check questions, and a final exam.
Upon successful completion each student will receive Hard copy of completion certificate and can print a wallet card
Continuing education credits?
Each student will receive 0.2 CEUs (or 2 CMEs) for completing this course.
Topics Covered
- About This Course
- Course Objectives
- Introduction to the MSHA Underground Mining Emergency Procedures Overview Training Course
- Accident Statistics
- General Causes of Mining Accidents
- Applicability
- Key Terms and Definitions
- Site-specific Hazard Awareness Training
- Recordkeeping
- Emergency Procedures Overview
- Reporting Accidents
- Dirty Dozen
- Crisis Situations
- Emergency Response Plan
- Emergency Response Plan Checklist
- Best Practices for Emergency Prevention
- Pre-Shift Examination Checklist
- Risk Assessment and Mitigation
- Safety Programs
- Mine Map Requirements
- Types of Emergencies
- Fires and Explosions
- Fire Training and Response
- Personal Injury
- Falls and Falling Material
- Mechanical Failure
- Corrosive Chemical Contact/Spills
- Electrical Hazards
- Vehicular Emergencies
- Acts of Nature
- Mine Security
- Communicating Emergencies and Implementing Rescue Operations
- Emergency Hoists
- Rescue Operations
- Rescue Stations
- Self-Rescue Devices
- First Aid
- Training
- Tools
- First Aid Versus Medical Treatment
- Summary
- Additional Resources
- Exam