Happy 75th Republic Day 2024
“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and the soul of its people"- [...]
National Road Safety Week January 11th to January 17th – 2021
“Safety is no accident" About Road Safety Week Every year National Road Safety Week in India is being celebrated in the month of January. This 32nd year of road safety week is celebrated from 11th to 17th of January. The aim of this celebration across the country is to create awareness among people on road [...]
National Energy Conservation Day
“Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence."-Thomas H. Allen Since 1991, 14th of December is being celebrated as National Environment Conservation Day every year in India. The ultimate goal of this day is to create awareness among public regarding the significance of energy conservation. Energy requirements increases day by day as the population of [...]
International Human Rights Day
International Human Rights Day - 10th December “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity” - Nelson Mandela. Every year Human Rights day is celebrated across the globe on 10th December. This is to remember and honour the UN General Assembly that adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in [...]
National Pollution Day 2020
“Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.” - Barry Commoner. Every year 2nd of December is been observed as National Pollution Control day in remembrance of Bhopal Gas Tragedy that took place on 2nd December 1984 which was considered to be one among the world’s major industrial accident . This day [...]
International Students’ Day 2020
International Student’s Day is celebrated every year on 17th November which resembles the unity among the students belonging to different cultures and diversity. It was first celebrated in 1941 in London by the International Students' Council. "The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow” - Nelson Mandela The above quote gives a strong message [...]
World Pneumonia Day
Since 2009, World Pneumonia Day is being observed by several organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Save the Children etc, throughout the world to create awareness among people regarding the disease and its treatment. Pneumonia can affect people of all ages as it infect the respiratory organ and the severity [...]
National Education Day
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”- John Dewey 11th of November marks the birth commemoration of Mr. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, India’s first Union Minister of Education (1947 to 1958). He was a great poet, scholar, freedom fighter he had done major works before and after freedom to form India with [...]
Commonwealth Day
When is the Commonwealth Day Celebrated? The Commonwealth owes its inception to past British Empire. Prior to before 1947, the 'English Commonwealth' consisted of Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. But after independence, to encourage India's participation in h enrollment with the Commonwealth, it was chosen to drop the prefix 'British before Commonwealth. [...]